1. Setting the brief

This is a critical stage of discovery. It’s important to gain an understanding of the core of your business, your target audience, your history and your products or services. And beyond that, vision of your company. From here we will work together to identify project objectives, deliverables, deadlines and budget.

2. Research

I will review all of the information from the brief and start looking into styles, perform some competitor analysis and review current trends. This involves reference curating to create a mood-board which includes imagery, typography and colour.

3. Ideas

I will select and develop the strongest ideas and present them to the you explaining my thought process and evaluating against the brief. Feedback from the client will follow.

4. Development

This is where the design really comes to life. Together, we evaluate the concepts against the brief, revisions are made and then the chosen visuals are submitted for sign off.

5. The Delivery

Once you are happy, I will supply all final artwork files, or supply to the printer. I like to build long-term relationships, so once we have launched your project, we can monitor the growth and impact – and find other ways to work together.